Monday, February 29, 2016


The key to have a healthy and sexy body is not with the workout, but with a diet. What is the use of working out if you are not eating the right food?. People tend to underestimate their health, they give in to their temptations, such as eating junk food and drinking soft drinks. This acts will lead to unhealthy living that will allow the people to have large stomachs or diseased pancreas and bladder.that will turn into severe sickness or in the worst case death.For those struggling to have a balanced diet  I will give you tips on how to make your own that will surely suit you.

When it comes to having a healthy diet, balance is the key. this means eating a wide variety of foods in the right proportions. Eating starchy foods such as pasta, potatoes, bread, rice along with a lot of vegetables and fruits is advisable.Your plate should consist of the following: 

  • a lot of fruits and vegetables
  • foods that are starchy, such as bread, rice, potatoes and pasta
  • some meat, fish, eggs, beans with other non-dairy sources of protein
  •  milk and dairy foods
  • just a small amount of food and drinks that are high in fat and/or sugar
Fruits and vegetables are a vital source of vitamins and minerals it is advisable to have 5 portions of it every meal.
swap your morning snack for a fruit like adding a sliced banana to your cereal will be the best, then having salad for lunch is really applicable.


Improves the mood, in participating in physical activities stimulates the brain that will make us feel both happy and relaxed.

Fights diseases, it prevents from heart disease, stroke and high blood pressure. this will keep your blood flow smoothly, that will decrease chances of cardiovascular diseases.

Boosts energy, it will allow your body to have fuel to manage your energy,that will cause better sleeping habits and deepening of sleep.

Enhance longevity, when you practice healthy habits, you will have a greater chance of longer life. walking at least 30 minutes will really help. this will allow you to have plenty of time to have with your loved ones. 

Author: Jake Decena

First 24 Hours in South Korea

Last Christmas break, my family and I decided to go to Korea to celebrate New Year’s Eve there. Our flight was at 4 a.m. early morning. After our arrival in the airport, all of us were tired from walking around from looking for our tour guide since we were in a travel agency. After our long search, we were able to find out tour guide but we are the late one’s since we’re supposed to follow the schedule for that 1st day. When we step outside the airport to go in our bus we were greeted by a cold breeze, some were excited and some were worried.

Leafless trees in Nami Island

The first place in our schedule was Nami Island. As we slept inside the bus, we were able to reach our destination with rested bodies but we still need to ride a ferry to get to the island. The ride was one of the best experience since we were able to see a good scenery of the island, as we get closer to the island, all tourists stood up to get ready to step outside. As we separated from the other tourists, we saw a slide that is carved from ice since its winter season there, we also saw beautiful leafless trees, and statues such as Buddha.

Our view as we move forward with our Rail Bike

After our exploration in Nami Island we gathered and ate lunch near the island so that we’ll be full for our second activity. Our second activity was rail biking. My family and I felt bloated after eating a heavy lunch as we pedal the bike which would take a lot of leg strength just to move forward. My family and I decided to slow down to appreciate the scenery from the bridge. 

Edelweiss Swiss Theme Park in Mt. Sorak
For our third destination, we went to a Mt. Sorak which lies the Edelweiss Swiss Theme Park. It’s not much of a theme park but that place is really photogenic. The park itself is a Swiss based cultural village which you can find a lot of bright and colorful houses. The park also has a lot of hills since its located in a mountain. As we took pictures here and there we decided to rest inside a coffee shop inside the park which is really cozy and warm and also has great beverages and food. 

Mt. Sorak
 These is my first 24 hours experiences in South Korea. Though all of us were tired we able to enjoy each other’s presence as we explore the 3 destinations of our first day schedule. This might be only 24 hours of experience but I spend a week there and I highly recommend to other families who are willing to bond with their love one’s in such a beautiful place.

Author : Clyde Vicencio

Deadpool: Justice gets a new face, and a hit movie

Photo from: Fox Movies
Around two weeks ago, Deadpool hit the theater's and it was a smash hit. Deadpool, known for his eccentric personality, witty wordplay and his frequent fourth wall breaks, was able to get a movie about him. Fans such as myself got really excited knowing that a Deadpool movie was happening back in 2014.

Photo from: Fox Movies
I was able to watch the movie with some friends a week ago and I must say, the movie was just alright. Back in 2014 I was a huge fan of Deadpool. I read his comic books and even played a video game that is also about Deadpool. I was able to enjoy him as a young teenager but currently, his whole appeal of being a quirky "merc with a mouth" got old to me. Maybe I just got older or maybe he wasn't really that great in the first place, but I still enjoyed the movie. The movie was just right. Nothing too grand and its also not too bland. Though the movie was still enjoyable, not too many people are happy with the setting being small scaled unlike what you see in Marvel movies. In Marvel movies you get to see large scaled fights that involves entire cities and you also get to see different locations and settings. What many people don't understand is that Deadpool isn't like that. He is a character that doesn't involve himself with huge tasks that require saving the world or something like that, plus he isn't even a superhero. I think the directors made the smart decision of keeping Deadpool a "low-key" character because if he were to go around and involve himself with other superheroes it would contradict his personality of being the lone anti-hero. It would be nice to see him around the X-men squad though. The movie tells the story of how Deadpool came to be Deadpool. Comparing it with the comics, there are differences that can be seen but I don't really mind them. What most people don't understand is that if someone is gonna make a movie adaptation from another work then expect there to be changes.

Photo from: Comics Beat
In the movie Wade (pre-deadpool) leaves his girlfriend, Vanessa, to go find a cure for cancer. Take note that Vanessa does know about his condition. In the comics however, When Wade was diagnosed with cancer, Vanessa didn't know about it. So Wade just leaves her out of the blue. Not much story of Vanessa and Wade were given in the comics but in the movie they had a whole romance thing going on. This is just one of the differences the movie had with the comics and I am okay with that.

Photo from: Comicbook Resources
Despite the movie budget being only roughly $58 million, its box office is about $520 million! You can expect that with all that money a sequel is being planned out. Deadpool even said so himself at the after-credits of the movie. Cable, Deadpools big buff time-traveling partner, is to be featured in the next movie. Even though I may not be as big of a fan of Deadpool like I was a few years ago, I am still looking forward to the sequel
Author: Darryl Ventura

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Love, Tastebuds

In my 16 years of existence in this world, two kinds of food gave my tastebuds the love of their lives. These 2 kinds of food top my list of best foods ever. The Japanese dish, Ramen, and the Hambuger!
I could eat loads of burger, and pair them with 3 bowls of Ramen. I would show you the history behind these tasty dishes.


The splendid taste and aroma of Ramen, made me love the dish. The mixed flavors of the ingredients
just keeps me alive. The best Ramen I tasted was in Japan, during my family's vacation trip. 

According to Rufus (2011), "Ramen -- although it wasn't called that, then -- first appeared in Japan in 1910, when Chinese cooks at Tokyo's Rairaiken restaurant created a signature dish comprising broth and Chinese noodles, which were yellower and more elastic than Japanese noodles because -- then as now -- their dough was kneaded withkansui, a sodium-carbonate-infused alkaline mineral water.
This wildly popular dish was not called ramen but rather shina soba: Shina is a phonetic rendering of the word "China." Soba are buckwheat noodles, although the Chinese noodles used in shina soba were wheat-based. Over the next few years, restaurants all over Japan started serving regional versions of shina soba, using local ingredients."


I love hamburgers. Especially when it comes from 8 cuts, and/or In-N-Out Burgers. Now here is a brief history on hamburgers. According to (2013), "During the 19th century, Hamburg became famous for their beef, from cows raised in the regional countryside. Hamburg beef was commonly chopped, seasoned and molded into patties. Since refrigeration was not yet available, fresh beef like this had to be cooked immediately. Hamburg beef came with a hefty price tag outside of its native land, and was often substituted with less expensive varieties of beef. When groups of German immigrants began arriving in America during the 19th century, many earned their livelihood by opening restaurants in large cities like Chicago and New York. It wasn’t long before many of their menus featured an Americanized version of the Hamburg steak– beef that was minced or chopped and combined with garlic, onions, salt and pepper, then grilled or fried. In 1837, New York’s Delmonico’s restaurant offered a Hamburg steak on its first menu. At 10 cents it was the most expensive item, twice the cost of pork chops, veal cutlets and roast beef. A German restaurant at Philadelphia’s Centennial Exposition in 1876 served Hamburg steaks to thousands of customers."

Author: Cesar Omnes Jr.

The Last Run

Photo by: Jesse D. Garrabrant
A huge event happened on February 14, 2016. It was the NBA All Star Game Day, one of the most awaited matches on every season in NBA. This season the All Star game was more of a show, rather than a match. Both sides scored nearly half of the normal matches of the NBA. The scoreboard of 196-173 was astonishing as it was record breaking. Both teams let their defense down so both of the teams can have as much points as they want. In the end it was all a matter of  a "who scores more?" rather than a "who plays better?" match. Even if they played such an effortless defense, they still made the crowd love every second.

Photo by: Bleacher Report

Photo by: NBA
This seasons reigning MVP of the NBA All Star match up is still the one and only Russel Westbrook. He showed us last season how he can dominate games like these with dominating performance. This year he is still dominating the court with 31 points, 8 rebounds, 5 assists, 5 steals and a number of highlights in the game. He beat Indiana Pacers' star player Paul George who scored 41 points in the match up for the NBA All Star MVP. "Despite George's effort, he was 1 point shy of making history, which was tying with Wilt Chamberlain's 42 points in 1962." as Marc J. Spears of Yahoo Sports stated.

Photo by: IBtimes
Overall what really made the crowd stay in their seats was not the fancy plays, nor the outrageous scores, it was the one and only Kobe Bryant. The 37 year old veteran who played in the NBA for 19 years is sadly retiring. In those 19 years of playing, he met stars such as Michael Jordan and the like and also was compared to him after creating a lot of history. Bryant only scored 10 points but he dished out 7 assists and 6 rebounds. Considering he is the eldest among all of them, you may still say that he still has the talent. The stadium was full of emotions as Bryant, for the last time, stepped in and out of the NBA All Star court. In a recent interview, Lebron James or also known as "The King" stated that "It was an honor and a pleasure to have the chance to play with Kobe". The same goes for last seasons MVP Stephen Curry.

Author: Louie Valenciano

Tropic Fashion

Summer is coming in a few weeks. The Philippines is known for it's hot and tropical climate. Wearing the wrong clothes would surely mess up your summer adventures. Let me show some Summer fashion trends for men, that would surely keep you comfortable, and attractive at the same time. I will give you two clothing trend genres that would fit the hot weather.

Athlesiure, the style of this genre is simply wearing athletic clothing, but with a classy twist. People on summer days would want to wear the lightest, thinnest, and most comfortable clothing. If you are an athlete, you would most likely want to wear the clothes that would fit this kind of style. You just need any plain, designed top clothes, some comfortable athletic shorts or athletic pants, and a good pair of trainers.

Are you a classy kind of person? Then the Cuban Collar fashion, is the one for you. This style bring us back to the 1950's. I guarantee that your grandpa would approve of your sense of fashion. If you are tired of people teasing you about wearing the same clothes during the Summer season in the past 3 years, then this kind of clothing would surely make their eyes pop. This style would make you look a lot like the "Godfather" in the summer. You would just need some fitted stylish collared, tucked in some shorts or slacks, and a pair of loafers or formal footwear. This would surely throw you back into the generation of your Grandfathers.

I hope I gave you good clothing tips, to keep you ready for the Summer season. These tips would surely make you look good under the hot sun. Feel free to wear these kinds of clothes, and customize it for that great Summer look. Nobody can take away the Summer form you. Stay fresh! Keep the Summer hot with your fabulous style!

Author: Vince Gerard M. Villegas

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The unknown sport


Handball is 7 a side indoor sport, which is played on a court that is slightly larger than a basketball court.The objective of this sport is to score more goals than the opposing team.the ball is being moved by the form of passing, in handball you can dribble as much as you can not like basketball you cannot double dribble,but you are only allowed three steps and you are not allowed to have the ball in your hands for more than three seconds. The match consists of two 30 minute halves with a 10 minute rest period. the ball weighs 16 ounces meanwhile for the women it weighs 13 ounces.

There are four types of players:
Goalies: Defend goal.  Not expected to stop as many goals as goalies in hockey or soccer.
Circle Runners:  Large players who block shooters and try to disorganize the defense.  They also are shooters, usually from close-in range.
Wings:  They are offensive players who shoot at odd angles, usually from the sides.
Big Shooters: They are tall, agile players who much like quarterbacks lead the offense.  They shoot from the backcourt over the head of defenders.

Handball may not as entertaining or famous as basketball football or tennis but once you try it, surely you will fall in love with it, handball requires strength, as you bump your opponents body, also speed is required as you try to avoid your opponent in order to score, also high vertical jumps as you jump as high as you can to get the ball and also use this as a technique to the Philippines the sport handball is not yet that evident but i know people who are committed, it is there passion to play that sport, these people are trying their best to raise awareness to people that sport handball really exists

author: Jake Decena