Monday, February 29, 2016

Deadpool: Justice gets a new face, and a hit movie

Photo from: Fox Movies
Around two weeks ago, Deadpool hit the theater's and it was a smash hit. Deadpool, known for his eccentric personality, witty wordplay and his frequent fourth wall breaks, was able to get a movie about him. Fans such as myself got really excited knowing that a Deadpool movie was happening back in 2014.

Photo from: Fox Movies
I was able to watch the movie with some friends a week ago and I must say, the movie was just alright. Back in 2014 I was a huge fan of Deadpool. I read his comic books and even played a video game that is also about Deadpool. I was able to enjoy him as a young teenager but currently, his whole appeal of being a quirky "merc with a mouth" got old to me. Maybe I just got older or maybe he wasn't really that great in the first place, but I still enjoyed the movie. The movie was just right. Nothing too grand and its also not too bland. Though the movie was still enjoyable, not too many people are happy with the setting being small scaled unlike what you see in Marvel movies. In Marvel movies you get to see large scaled fights that involves entire cities and you also get to see different locations and settings. What many people don't understand is that Deadpool isn't like that. He is a character that doesn't involve himself with huge tasks that require saving the world or something like that, plus he isn't even a superhero. I think the directors made the smart decision of keeping Deadpool a "low-key" character because if he were to go around and involve himself with other superheroes it would contradict his personality of being the lone anti-hero. It would be nice to see him around the X-men squad though. The movie tells the story of how Deadpool came to be Deadpool. Comparing it with the comics, there are differences that can be seen but I don't really mind them. What most people don't understand is that if someone is gonna make a movie adaptation from another work then expect there to be changes.

Photo from: Comics Beat
In the movie Wade (pre-deadpool) leaves his girlfriend, Vanessa, to go find a cure for cancer. Take note that Vanessa does know about his condition. In the comics however, When Wade was diagnosed with cancer, Vanessa didn't know about it. So Wade just leaves her out of the blue. Not much story of Vanessa and Wade were given in the comics but in the movie they had a whole romance thing going on. This is just one of the differences the movie had with the comics and I am okay with that.

Photo from: Comicbook Resources
Despite the movie budget being only roughly $58 million, its box office is about $520 million! You can expect that with all that money a sequel is being planned out. Deadpool even said so himself at the after-credits of the movie. Cable, Deadpools big buff time-traveling partner, is to be featured in the next movie. Even though I may not be as big of a fan of Deadpool like I was a few years ago, I am still looking forward to the sequel
Author: Darryl Ventura

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